The Alpha & The Omega

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End [the Eternal One].”Revelation 22:13 (AMP)

Jesus is the beginning and the end. His coming to earth signified the beginning of Good News being preached to the poor, the release of captives and the recovery of sight to the blind. (See Luke 4:18)  In John 19:30 Jesus said, “It is finished!” He had done it all and gained the victory for us. His resurrection and departure from this earth signified the conclusion of the battle and declared victory over sin and death, for all who accept Him as their Lord and Savior.  He is the Beginning of a new and more abundant life. He is the beginning of a Kingdom that is about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (See Romans 14:17) Believe in God, believe also in Jesus. (John 14:1) Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. (1 John 5:12 ESV)

“For the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts says this, ‘I am the First and I am the Last; and there is no God besides Me.Isaiah 44:6 (AMP)

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