Believe & Receive

But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6 (AMP)

Often times we weary ourselves out attempting to do too many things, or trying to get something in our own strength, instead we are to be filled and led by the Spirit of God. He will lead us and guide us and give us the strength to do what He has called us to do. In John 14:1, Jesus implores us to believe in God and believe also in Him. No matter how circumstances may appear, let us continually believe God and His Word. 

Receive the God of Israel as the One who is faithful to perform every Word He has spoken. Receive Him as the Source of the breath of life within us and the Sovereign God, above all. Receive Him as the God Who Sees You (El Roi) and the One Who has made a way for you. He is our Provider, our Healer, our Righteousness, our Prince of Peace, etc. Open your heart and receive Him today.

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