Dwell in His House

I was glad when they said to me, “Let’s go to the house of the LORD.”
Psalm 122:1 (NASB)

Your strong love, O True God, is precious. All people run for shelter under the shadow of Your wings. In Your house, they eat and are full at Your table. They drink from the river of Your overflowing kindness. You have the fountain of life that quenches our thirst. Your light has opened our eyes and awakened our souls. (Psalm 36:7-9 VOICE)

Surely the LORD grants you unending blessings and makes you glad with the joy of His presence. (See Psalm 21:6 NIV) Dwell in the house of the LORD forever and His goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. (See Psalm 23:6)

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