Be Guided by Him

For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes]. 1 Corinthians 2:16 (AMP)

We have been given the mind of Christ. Therefore, we can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. (See 2 Corinthians 10:5 TPT) So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. (Romans 8:6-7 NLT) Let your mind be led by the Spirit of God and experience life and peace. 

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