Preparation for the Palace

He named the second [son] Ephraim (fruitfulness), for “God has caused me to be fruitful and very successful in the land of my suffering.”Genesis 41:52 (AMP)

God gave Joseph dreams as a young boy, but Joseph had to persevere the pit and the prison before he progressed to the palace. Maybe what he went through in the pit and in the prison prepared him to be successful in the palace.

Could it be that what you are going through is part of God’s plan for your dreams to be fulfilled? The adversities we face can very well be part of the process God will use to position us for fruitfulness and success. You will experience some troubles and uphill battles on the path of fulfilling your purpose, but rest assured that God can cause the land of your pain and suffering to be the exact place of your fruitfulness and success. Persevere and you will prevail to receive His precious promises. And just as Joseph’s success saved a nation, our favorable outcomes in life are designed to be a blessing for others. Amen!


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