Regardless of the Circumstances

The keeper of the prison did not look into anything that was under Joseph’s authority, because the LORD was with him; and whatever he did, the LORD made it prosper.Genesis 39:23 (NKJV)

While Joseph served as a slave, the LORD was with him, and made him successful in everything he did. (Genesis 39:2). Instead of feeling abandoned by God when he was sold into slavery, Joseph knew God was with him. Even in that adverse situation, Joseph maintained his integrity and refused to sin against God. He did not give in to the daily temptations of Potiphar’s wife. After being falsely accused and thrown into prison, God was still with Joseph and made him prosper. Genesis 39:21a (NLT) says, the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love.

As we maintain a right relationship with the LORD, our circumstances cannot stop our faithful and gracious God from pouring out His love and blessings. No prison bars are strong enough to stop the flow of His unfailing love and grace. No palace walls are high enough to keep His mercy and compassion from showing up. Know that God is with you in every situation, and He will make His Presence known. God can cause you to prosper and succeed in spite of difficult circumstances.


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