Don’t Give Up

But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up. 
Isaiah 40:31 (TPT)

Though we experience every kind of pressure, we’re not crushed. At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option. (2 Corinthians 4:8 TPT) We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:9 NLT) After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. (1 Peter 5:10 NASB) Amen.

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