Seek the LORD

Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near. Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing wrong. Let them turn to the LORD that he may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously.
Isaiah 55:6-7 (NLT)

Zechariah prophesied about John the Baptist that he would prepare the way for the Lord. …that the Lord’s people will receive knowledge of their freedom through the forgiveness of their sins. All this will flow from the kind and compassionate mercy of our God. A new day is dawning: the Sunrise from the heavens will break through in our darkness, (See Luke 1:77-78 VOICE) Today, is a new day. Seek the Lord. Receive His mercy. Know the truth. We are forgiven and free. Fulfill His purpose and live a rich and satisfying life. (See John 10:10 NLT)

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