Our Well-being

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, and by His stripes (wounds) we are healed. Isaiah 53:5-6 (AMP)

He was despised and abandoned by men, a man of great pain and familiar with sickness; and like one from whom people hide their faces, He was despised, and we had no regard for Him. However, it was our sicknesses that He Himself bore, and our pains that He carried… (Isaiah 53:3-4a NASB) On the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished!” and He bowed His head and [voluntarily gave up His spirit. (See John 19:30 AMP) Jesus paid the debt for our sins, that we would have life and life more abundantly and enjoy an eternal life in the Presence of our heavenly Father. 

Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered— to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.” —Revelation 5:12 (NLT)

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