Our Support

He reached from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters. He rescued me from my strong enemy, and from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the LORD was my support.Psalm 18:16-18 (AMP)

When you go through deep waters, Yahweh will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. (See Isaiah 43:2a NLT) He is the LORD, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. (See Isaiah 43:16) Yahweh will rescue you from the mighty waters and draw you to Himself. His hand will guide you, and His strength will support you. (See Psalm 139:10 NLT) Psalm 147:6 (NLT) says: The LORD supports the humble, but he brings the wicked down into the dust. Be humble and keep your trust in YAHWEH, at all times.

After you have suffered for a little while, the God of grace who has called you [to His everlasting presence] through Jesus the Anointed will restore you, support you, strengthen you, and ground you. 1 Peter 5:10 (VOICE) Amen.

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