He Watches Over His Word

Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it.”Jeremiah 1:12 (NASB1995)

The LORD actively watches over His word to fulfill it. Yahweh is faithful to fulfill every promise He has spoken. Believe His Word, in your heart and let it continually renew your mind. May we speak it out loud, and continue to stand on it, in the face of contrary circumstances. In Isaiah 55:11, He says, the word which goes forth from His mouth will not return to Him empty, without accomplishing what He desires, and without succeeding in the matter for which He sent it. Amen.

In times of spiritual warfare the Word of God (the Sword of the Spirit) is the only offensive weapon in our arsenal. When Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by the devil, His response was: “It is written...” (See Matthew 4:1-11) When the enemy comes at you with his lies, give him a jab by speaking the Word of God.

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