Faithfully Follow

“Praise God, all you peoples. Praise him everywhere and let everyone know you love him! There’s no doubt about it: God holds our lives safely in his hands. He’s the one who keeps us faithfully following him.” Psalms 66:8-9 (TPT)

For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined. You made men ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water, yet You brought us out into a place of abundance. (Psalms 66:10,12 NASB1995) Let us faithfully follow Yahweh, no matter what set of circumstances come our way. We may have to go through the fire and floodwaters, but He is faithful to bring us out on the other side. He crowns the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance. (See Psalms 65:11 NLT)

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