Cease Striving
When we are too busy doing our own thing, in our own way, to stop and spend time with our heavenly Father, we end up weary and worn out. Before we jump start our day, let us humble ourselves before the Lord and lay our concerns, requests and desires before the One Who has all our days written in His Book. Always seek His will. The closer we draw near to Him, the more likely we are to hear His still small voice, saying “this is the way.” He will empower us to overcome obstacles, climb mountains and withstand the storms of life. Abide in His Presence and be led by the Holy Spirit.
“He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name.” —Psalms 23:2-3 (TPT)