He is With You
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. —Psalm 23:4 (NASB1995)
Even in the darkest valley, King David said he would fear no evil because God was with him. The Almighty, all-sufficient, God is with us today. Take a moment to reflect on that powerful fact. The One Who made heaven and earth, and set the sun, moon and stars in place, is with each one of us. The One Who gives sight to the blind and unplugs the ears of the deaf, is with us. Nothing is too difficult for Him.
He was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, in the midst of the fiery furnace, and the fire had no effect on their bodies. Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn’t even smell of smoke! Not only was God with them, He also set them free. They were bound when thrown in, but when the king saw them, they were loose. (See Daniel 3:23-27) Cling to Yahweh and keep walking. He will bring you through the fire and the flood. He will lift you out of the pit, and help you get to the other side of that mountain. Amen and hallelu-YAH!