Be Determined

But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods. Daniel 1:8 (NLT)

May we be determined not to defile ourselves, but to be holy (set apart) and dedicated to God. Know for certain that no immoral, indecent, or greedy person—who is really an idol worshipper at heart—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Messiah and God. (Ephesians 5:5 TLV) You shall be holy, for the LORD our God is holy. …you were washed [by the atoning sacrifice of Christ], you were sanctified [set apart for God, and made holy], you were justified [declared free of guilt] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God [the source of the believer’s new life and changed behavior]. (See 1 Corinthians 6:11 AMP)

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