Commit Your Works

Commit your works to the LORD [submit and trust them to Him], and your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance]. Proverbs 16:3 (AMP)

Before you begin executing your plans, submit them to Yahweh. And trust Him to lead you and guide you to take the right action, at the right time and in the right direction. In Psalms 32:8 (NLT) the LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Let us be humble, patient, and teachable, as we faithfully follow Yahweh along the path that leads to life.

But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also. Matthew 6:33 (AMP)

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