It Is Time
Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with lovingkindness; Break up your fallow ground, indeed, it is time to seek Yahweh until He comes and rains righteousness on you. —Hosea 10:12 (LSB)
It is time to seek and search diligently for the LORD day by day. Don't be hard-headed nor have a hard heart. “…God overlooked and disregarded the former ages of ignorance; but now He commands all people everywhere to repent [that is, to change their old way of thinking, to regret their past sins, and to seek God’s purpose for their lives], because He has set a day when He will judge the inhabited world in righteousness by a Man whom He has appointed and destined for that task, and He has provided credible proof to everyone by raising Him from the dead.” (See Acts 17:30-31 AMP) Now set your heart and your soul to seek (inquire of, require as your vital necessity) the LORD your God.” (1 Chronicles 22:19a AMP)
Seek the LORD [search diligently for Him and regard Him as the foremost necessity of your life], all you humble of the land who have practiced His ordinances and have kept His commandments; Seek righteousness, seek humility [regard them as vital]. Perhaps you will be hidden [and pardoned and rescued] in the day of the LORD’s anger. —Zephaniah 2:3 (AMP)